Transportation for America’s report on preventable pedestrian deaths includes this online map showing almost all the pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. (the ones with location data, at least) from 2001 to 2009. Via Bob Ashley….
Harry Kao’s Commute Map takes census data about where people live and work and creates a map showing how many people commute to or from a given zip code, and how long it will take. It’s really quite impressive…
Good correlates how Americans get to work with obesity rates in a map-like infographic that is, well, information-dense and hard to follow at a glance. You have to look closely at each state’s box to see where they rank….
A map released by the European Commission and the World Bank models the accessibility (and isolation) of various parts of the world. It’s a heat map that shows the travel time to major cities (here defined as 50,000 or…
Ken Arroyo Ohori writes, “The Mexican Secretariat of Communications and Transport provides good maps on all forms of transportation in Mexico. Maps are divided by state and have just been updated.” The maps are good-quality PDFs, which means they’re big…