Globetrotter XL is an online geography game with a twist: you’re given the name of a city and challenged to put it on the map, but your score is determined by how close to the target you can get, in…
The Redistricting Game is a surprisingly addictive Flash-based, online game that illustrates the state of electoral redistricting in the United States. It is, in a nutshell, gerrymandering as computer game: your missions include stacking the deck on behalf of your…
Finally, a geography quiz that isn’t a variant of pointing to a country on an interactive map. This quiz, though, isn’t interactive; it’s simply the online version of a feature that appeared in yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle, so it’s just…
I’ve posted those interactive geography games and quizzes before, and I’ve posted Google Maps-based sites before, but I think that Find the Landmark is the first map game that is powered by Google Maps (rather than Flash). Here’s how Geoff…
Marc de Kam writes to plug his map quiz site, called, oddly enough, The Mapquiz: “The mapquiz shows you a series of mapfragments, and each time the question is: where is this? Some fragments are placed in a different perspective,…
Another damn geography quiz (see previous entry): this one, from the German version of RTL, requires you to throw a dart on the capital cities of various European countries; you’re scored based on how off the mark you are. In…
Another geography quiz — this one requires you to drag and drop each state onto a map of the U.S. Harder than it looks: if you’re off by even a bit, it’ll mark it as wrong. Via Travel Writers. (See…
Another Flash-based geography quiz (see previous entry) has been posted to MetaFilter: this one tests your knowledge of the 48 contiguous states of the continental U.S….
Another geography quiz — the Geography Olympics — has been posted at MetaFilter. While I generally stand by the comments I made in this entry back in April 2003, this one at least has a good, Flash-based user interface. Still,…