Elections Canada has a map of the preliminary results from Monday’s general election — preliminary as in barring recounts and the like. The page links to a 1.9 MB PDF file. Via Richard, who shows some U.S. equivalents for comparison….
When I picked “The Map Room” as the name of this blog, it was because I wanted a relatively generic name, and it was in recognition of the fact that many university libraries’ map collections are called map rooms. Such…
The MLA has put online a Java-based interactive map that shows where speakers of various languages are found in the United States. Lots of less commonly spoken languages, like Apache and Hindi; national, county and zip-code data is available. Via…
If you’re into maps, then you’re also probably the sort of person who, when flying, asks for a window seat and does nothing but stare out the window for the duration of the trip. Though I frequently ask for an…
There’s nothing online but a brief notice and a pamphlet, but at the very least it’s on right now, rather than several years ago: Medieval views of the Cosmos at the Bodleian Library, Oxford University, from June 7 to October…
Via Colby Cosh (link semi-permanent), here’s maproom.org (no relation), from which you can download high-quality scans from old maps and atlases. Seems to be part of a larger project by map enthusiast Nick Wedd; there’s more at maproom.co.uk (also no…
“Continuing my crusade to provide you with the finest fictional maps,” says Jeff Patterson, who provides us with a link to Maps of Boccaccio’s Decameron. It’s part of a study site on that work of medieval literature; includes maps from…
The Cartographie tribe had an interesting discussion a while back about the Peters projection, which, in its attempt to spread distortion evenly among the continents by distorting at the equator as well as at the poles, is as much political…
Once again I’ve been away from The Map Room for too long: life and other projects have conspired to keep me from posting here, and now I’ve got a rather large backlog of stuff to post. Apologies to those who’ve…